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How to Make Your Laptop Faster in Just 6 steps

How to Make Your Laptop Faster

In this video, I show you how to make your laptop faster in just 6 steps.

People want their laptops to be fast, so that’s what we look for in them In fact, I’ve found that a lot of the time when people ask for help with their computer, they want to know how to speed up their laptop in Windows 10.

Because your laptop is so fast, you may think that there is nothing you can do to speed it up. This isn’t true. Then, you’d be dead wrong.

The speed of your i3 machine won’t ever be as good as that of an i7-based PC, but there are things you can do to make it run faster and be enough for what you want to do.

Here are six ways you can speed up your laptop today, so you can get your work done faster and enjoy your laptop even more.

In no way do I think these are in any particular order, but if you do at least one or two of them, your laptop will run better.

Make Your Laptop Faster in these easy 6 ways

1. Make sure your hard drive is clean and defragmented before you do anything else to it.

When you want to speed up your laptop, the first thing you need to do is clean it up a little. Over time, you end up with hundreds, if not thousands, of files and apps that you don’t need.

The reason your computer is slow is that there is a lot of garbage on it. If you want to do something, you have to go through all this useless information to look for what you need.

To start, go through your apps and delete anything you don’t need. Because, after all, why keep any apps running on your computer if you don’t use them?

If you don’t want these apps to slow down your laptop, don’t do that.

How to Make Your Laptop Faster

For this, we like Revo Uninstaller:

  • Revo Uninstaller can be downloaded for free, and you can install it by downloading the file.
    In the window that comes up, look for the program you want to get rid of.
  • Double-click the program you want to get rid of, and if you need to, click the “Continue” button.
    After this, the uninstaller window should show up. Uninstalling the program is easy: follow the instructions and do what they say.
  • To finish uninstalling, return to Revo and follow the prompts to do so. Then, look for any leftover files (often, programs leave a lot of extra data behind).
  • After you remove the old, unwanted apps, it’s time to go through all of your files. Now I know that this part of the process will take some time. The process could take a long time if you have many files. That’s OK. In the end, it will all be worth it. Delete anything that you don’t need. Once you’ve done that, go ahead and organize your files so that everything is neat and easy to find.
  • Afterward, it is time to defrag your hard drive. What is that, then? Over time, the hard drive on your computer gets broken up. There are different places on your hard drive where parts of files are kept instead of all together.

This made it take longer for your hard drive to get to the files, slowing down your computer in the process. A defrag can help you move those chunks of files together so they are all in the same place. In the end, your hard drive will have a much easier time finding the file so it will open faster, which will make your computer work faster as well.

You can follow the steps on the Microsoft website to defrag your hard drive.

2. Check for Malware and Viruses

Nothing will slow down a laptop more quickly than a virus or a few pieces of malware that aren’t on the laptop.

Clean up your hard drive and run the antivirus software. Let it do a full scan of your hard drive. Go ahead and get rid of anything it finds.

As soon as that is done, restart your computer and then run the scan again to make sure it found everything.

If your virus software has a boot scan, try running that instead. Some viruses can hide from virus software if they have a chance to load, so this might be a better option.

Next, you should download and install Malwarebytes. This software is meant to look for malware like spyware and other small apps that can slow down your computer and make your hard drive take up a lot of space.

Most of them aren’t very bad, but they’re still annoying. Still, you want them gone. Do a scan with Malwarebytes.

Then, remove anything it finds that isn’t safe. When that’s done, restart your computer and run the scan again to make sure it found everything.

As soon as that is done, you can download and install CCleaner. Handy: This program can do its own checks for malware, but it also checks for things like registry errors. This is a good thing to have.

One of the best things you can do to get more speed out of your computer is to clean up the registry. This will make your computer run faster.

As soon as your computer doesn’t have to deal with all those old registry entries anymore, it can run a lot faster. In the end, that means you will be able to move faster.

3. Try Out Other Apps

A lot of different apps take up more space than others, even if they do the same thing. In this case, Chrome may be the most popular browser, but it’s known for taking up a lot of space.

If you do this, your system could be much slower than it should be for you. It’s also possible to get Firefox, but if you have Windows 10, stay with the Edge browser instead. If you don’t like this one, there are a lot more like it out there.

If you want to get as much speed out of your computer as possible, you’ll have to try a lot of different software.

Sure, you might have to run some other apps, but for people who want to get things done quickly, this could be a simple solution without having to spend a penny on their laptops.

4. Make sure that your power settings are set the way you want them to be –

In today’s high-tech power settings, laptops are pretty smart. They can do a lot. There are a lot of things you can do with your computer today.

You can set when the computer goes to sleep and wakes up, as well as how much power your computer uses.

Processors can speed up and slow down based on how much power you give them, but if you set them up wrong, your machine could be much slower than you thought.

When you look at your power settings, make sure your processor is set to either automatically speed up when it’s needed, or you can turn off any of the lower power mode settings that slow your machine down.

Even if you run these settings, they will still help you save power and battery life. But if speed is what you want, you don’t have time to deal with low-power modes.

5. Add More Memory

Memory upgrades are one of the easiest and cheapest ways to make your computer run better.

Your laptop can store more apps in memory at once if you add a few gigabytes of RAM. This will make your computer run faster because it can store more apps at once.

Check to make sure you can add more memory to your laptop before you go out and make one, though.

Many times, you will only be able to add a certain amount. That way, you can store as much as possible on your laptop while you work if you can.

6: Add an SSD.

In terms of speed, solid-state drives are some of the best options out there. If you have a hard drive that isn’t as big as one of these, you’ll make it a time machine.

Some of them are big, but you’ll have to pay for them. Use an SSD in your laptop and keep your old hard drive as a secondary internal drive if there is space in your laptop or buy a case to make it an external drive.

It should be easy to store things between this drive and the cloud.

Conclusion on How to Make Your Laptop Faster

There you go. List: This one should have everything you need to make your laptop work better. There is no cost for some of these other than your time.

Remember that before you spend any money on your laptop, do the free things you can do with the software to find out where you stand in terms of speed.

As soon as you have done that, it’s time to put some money into your favorite tool and toy.

When you speed up your laptop, it is always a good thing. If you do this, you’ll be able to get more done and your laptop might even last longer, which means you won’t have to buy a new one as soon.

Why not give these changes a try and see what your laptop looks like? Your laptop might get a new lease on life if it starts running like it did when you first bought it, or even better.

In other words, how did you do? If you tried these, please let me know what you thought by leaving a comment down below.

I want to know how these changes worked for you and how they didn’t work for your laptop.

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Avatar for William Larson

William Larson is a computer engineering graduate and a techy writer and a laptop enthusiast based in New York who is the man behind BestLaptopsVenture.com, where he reviews and writes professionally about laptops & cutting-edge technology with more than 12 years of experience in the industry. He tends to spend most of his time researching the best laptops. His love for studying laptops enables him to assist others to find the best laptops. He has written and managed content for tech websites like Laptops, Computers, T-Sprint, and TracFone Wireless, etc. On YouTube, he reviews laptops, How to guides, Tips, peripherals, and hold giveaways. You can follow him on Twitter.

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